Don’t Step In It Review

Dont Step in It Game for Kids

Basic Information

No of Players: 1+ (4-6 Players seems to work best)

Age: 4+

Time: 30 minutes (But the kids Just. Kept. Going!)

Pricing: Low-Medium


This is a fairly straight forward game where the main goal is to get to the end, stepping in as little poop as possible! Admittedly as an adult I found this a little less enjoyable, but to the kids there was just something so exciting about stepping in poop that they kept playing long after I was pooped-out (yes it’s a pun I HAVE NO REGRETS).

How to Play Don’t Step In It

Its super easy and straight forward to set up. You just lay out the long matt and put some brown play-dough like stuff into a poo-mold. You blindfold the first victim, I mean, player and another players spins the wheel to tell the blind-folded person how many steps to take. The wheel also has some actions for the other players to do (like add more poo) and the goal is to step in the least amount of poo possible.

Notes on the Game

The name of the game is how the game is played. It’s innocent toilet humor gamified and is a great game for kids. Admittedly, as an adult with a longer stride and I like to think more mature humor (puns are hilarious) it was less engaging, but even so it was fun to play with the kids for a bit and pretending to step in poopies…

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Guess Who? Review

Guess Who Board Game

Basic Info

Guess Who board Game review

No of Players: 2

Age: 6+

Time: 20-30 minutes

Pricing: $10 US, $25 AUD


Guess Who? is a game where two players try to guess each other’s chosen character based of asking simple yes or no questions. This is a fairly simple game, great for young kids, and is fairly quick to play. Guess Who? Is a stable of children’s board games and still holds up to this day.

How to Play Guess Who?

Each player has a board in front of them with 24 faces, each with easily describable features. In turns, each player asks the other yes or no questions trying to narrow down their pool of potential suspects by flipping down the faces of people who were eliminated from the questioning. The player to be the first to guess the other’s character wins.

Notes on Guess Who?

Much like UNO, Guess Who? is a fairly old game that has been updated through the years. The current editions for instance have more diversity in their characters and try to be more inclusive. Guess Who?, like monopoly, also has many branded editions with licenced characters from popular shows and franchises. It’s a fairly cheap game, but unlike other games only caters for two players.

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