9 year old boys can start really building on their strategy skills that they learnt from earlier years. The games lists below include a combination of strategy type games as well as some fun card games that every 9 year old will love. This is a great list for anyone looking for a fun gift to give for birthdays or Christmas.
Exploding Kittens
Number of Players: 2-5
Time: 15 minutes
Pricing: Medium
Exploding kittens is a fun card game where you are trying to be the last person left in the round. You accomplish this feat by stealing defuse cards off other players and trying to make then draw the exploding kitten card when they have no way to defuse it. Exploding kittens is a great game to play with both kids and adults of all ages and is sure to get a laugh out of even the most stoic of people.
Read the Full Review for Exploding Kittens
Number of Players: 2-10
Time: 30 – 60 min
Pricing: Low
Uno is a classic colourful card game that is perfect for 9 year old boys. Its fast paced, easy to learn and great to play with family and friend. Uno is a staple of most people’s board game collections and is a great compact game to travel with. It’s got great replayability and is sure to be popular with kids well into their teenage years.
Read the Full Review of Uno
Number of Players: 2-4
Time: 15 minutes
Pricing: Medium
Kingdomino is a fun domino tile placing game where the aim is to complete the areas around your kingdom with the biggest groups of colours as you can. Its both a game of strategy and a little luck as you try to compete with the other players kingdoms for land that can add value to your current kingdom. Kingdomino is a great game for kids aged 9 and up and is also a great game to play with two players.
Read the Full Review of Kingdomino
Number of Players: 3-6
Time: 15 minutes
Pricing: Low
Anomia is a fast paced word association game that is great for family gatherings. The box advises it’s for kids aged 10 and up but any 9 year old who is good at thinking fast on their feet will do well in this game. Speed is really the name of the game here when two players have matching symbols on their cards they have a duel to try and name something from the subject of each other’s card. Great game for older kids to play with friends and families.
Read the Full review of Anomia
King of Tokyo

Number of Players: 2-6
Time: 30 minutes
Pricing: Medium-High
Have you ever wanted to be a giant monster rampaging through the city and fighting other monsters? Well King of Tokyo is a great way to fulfill all your kaiju monster fantasies and is a great game for all ages to play. Its great for boys ages 9 and up as the box art is strongly influenced by comic and manga art and the game play is nothing short of fun. I highly recommend this game for parents who would like to play a game with their kids and have the playing field being fairly even dispute a large age gap.
Read the Full Review of King Toyko [Coming Soon]
Finding the Best Gift for 9 year old Boys
And those were my top picks of board games for 9 year old boys. I hope that this list was helpful in trying to find games that might be suitable for your child. Be sure to also check out my other lists of board games for 8 year old boys and board games for 10 year old boys for further inspiration.
If you have any suggestions send them to me through my contact page. I’m always looking for new games to try.
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